Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Cuisine Und Bier

And so the food gets better, and so the beer gets delicious, Anne and I find ourselves in the beautiful city of Munich, Germany. Is it funny that I miss the way Swiss German permeated my thoughts and this Deutschland German seems awkward now? When talking to a train station employee, I went to say "genau" and produced something of a "ai" for the last syllable. He looked at me funny, and when we got around to talking about where I'm from, he said he was really confused because I had a Swiss accent to my German but I in no way resembled a Swiss lady. Oh great, now my fourth language is also a mix of different regional accents. I'm a one-woman melting pot!

Amelie had to work today, so after breakfast Anne and I headed over to the old city of München to explore. We went to a farmer's market and walked around tasting all the fruits and veggies that we could get our hands on. Today was definitely a food day. After taste-testing, we headed over to lunch, meeting Amelie by her work. Anne and I ordered two different types of dishes so that we could share, and even though we ordered a small portion of each item, there was food left over once we had eaten to our heart's content. 

After lunch, we headed over to the Deutsches Museum, the world's largest museum of science and technology. We were there for quite a while, and we saw exhibits from all kinds of fields. There were even researchers actively engaging in their studies that were located in the museum itself. I thought it was pretty neat to see them in action while also being able to look at their works of art--works of science? "They're doing science in there," I told Anne. Chalk it up to lexical retrieval difficulties on account of my multilingualism; sometimes I'm not very fancy with my words. Here's a few that sum up our experience at the museum: coal mines, violins, nanotechnology, osteoporosis, aerospace technology, coal mines (this second mention is included by Anne's request, "we've been here for almost an hour!"), war uniforms, nautical technology, and Leonardo da Vinci. 

On our way to the museum, we stumbled upon a gelato place that had amazing prices for scoops: 1,10! We decided to wait until after the museum to get our treat. "Wir kommen gleich zurück," I told the kind man behind the counter. He responded in what Anne and I decided wasnitalian, and from what I understood, he let us know he didn't speak German but his son did because he is from Venice and his name is Gianni but his sons finance his gelato place and how old are we because we look like very lovely girls and he would love to have his son meet us because he is very nice and would take us out dancing but he isn't here right now so could we please come back on our way back from wherever we are going because this lovely girl with dark hair just needs to meet him. Like I mentioned previously, it is quote an advantage to be multilingual at times. When you know one Romance language, you can get by with other sister languages (except when ordering octopus!).

Anyhow, the man, Gianni as he told us his name, then proceeded to let us taste seven of the twelve flavors he had for sale, and at that point I just couldn't resist the urge to buy a scoop of gelato. We both took a scoop of the Brazil flavor:  mango and lime. We walked back by the store on our way back indeed, but seeing no sign of Gianni and what we presumed to be his son at the counter, we told his son to say goodbye to his dad for us and quickly left. I had been told by SC that Italian guys were going to come onto me during my trip, but I never imagined that included really nice elderly men trying to get their sons a date! I thought I had left the flirting men back in Venice, but it seems Venice follows me wherever I go. Also, the mosquito bites I received while there have also stayed with me. 

Tomorrow is our last day in Munich before we leave for Austria! 

The tower of the church in the main square. Ar predetermined times, the clock bells run on the hour and dancing figurines rotate for our enjoyment!

So...this is happening pretty soon. I will be in Austria, with German friends, for a German-France game. I'm choosing to avoid thinking about this until it actually happens. 

I saw this souvenir and had to share with a friend who is going through exams right now. Although, given the subject, a more appropriate line would have been "bonne chance". Then I thought twice about it and realized my friend is pretty good at the subject so luck need not be wished. 

Our salad for lunch. Oh so yummy, oh so very large!

Gianni and me! Oh yes, he was quick to give me the ol' European embrace. He was so friendly, he reminded me a little bit of Gertrude, except Gertrude didn't want to set me up with a young lad related to her. 

Let's just say I stopped counting these after a while... 

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